Friday, January 29, 2010

New Focus

Ok! I'm getting really tired of writing about every part of my days - so in this post, I'm just going to write about what I've learned about studying abroad and Sweden so far and what I think everyone should know.

On Money!
1. Make sure that you have at least one month of expenses saved up before you travel, because financial aid ALWAYS takes longer than you think it will. I'm pretty sure I wont get mine for at least another week and a half - and I sent in my paperwork on the 19th. That's just how it is - so be prepared - and if it comes sooner, good for you!
2. Make sure you know the exchange rate so that you don't over spend! Also, make sure to round up, so that prices end up being less than you calculated (what a great sight)
3. I am always going to keep some cash on me, but credit cards are used everywhere - even on the bus! Also, bring 5 kr with you at all times - you will need it to get a grocery cart!
4. You will almost always have to use your PIN, so be prepared for bank charges.

On Shopping
1. Either bring someone trustworthy with you who is fluent in swedish, bring a dictionary, or write a list with translations and don't be afraid to ask questions because all of the labels are in Swedish here! Luckily, I've started to catch on and people are generally helpful and know english pretty well.
2. Always bring your own bags, or be prepared to pay for them or use the free (and pathetically thin) plastic bags(like the veggie bags in the states).

On Eating
1. Swedes seem to eat a lot of bread and cheese. It's funny, but true and I don't like it. We went to Herrfallet for the weekend and our dinner was Pasta and Meatballs and our breakfast was bread and cheese. I don't know what type of cheese it was, but it reminded me of sharp cheddar.
2. If you come here and have the opportunity to eat at Strömpis for the Orientation program, DO IT! It was so cool to see the dance floor covered in tables and everyone gets dressed up, plus the food was awesome, and if you're like me it might be the best meal you have all week!
3. NEVER. buy. hotdogs. This is good advice no matter where you are, but believe me, after a week of the mystery meat, I am completely grossed out by them.

On Riding the Bus
1. I live in Brickebacken and so have to walk for 20 minutes to get to campus or ride the bus. From my experience this week, it is best to just walk! Especially if you have to be there by a certain time, like a class! They never come on time and I have even seen the driver pull over and stop for 15 minutes to work out some technical issue that I couldn't figure out (because she was speaking Swedish).
2. If you don't have a schedule, take the bus!
3. If you are traveling to the grocery store, TAKE THE BUS!
4. If you have several errands to run, do them all within 3 hours and you will only be charged for one bus ticket. This is the best policy I have ever heard and has saved me a lot!

On Partying
1. There will be a lot of parties. You don't have to go to all of them, haha. We have had a party every night this week except for Monday.
2. If there is a party, there is always a preparty somewhere.
3. If the party involves going out and dancing or something, there is almost always a preparty and an after party.
4. Partying involves alcohol. You can buy 3.5 % and under at the supermarkets and Pressbyran, but for anything else you have to go to System Bolaget downtown. Alcohol is expensive, but much cheaper at System Bolaget then at the pub. (this is why we preparty :))
5. If you are feeling ill, don't go to a party... haha. (Learned that the hard way)

On Classes
1. Swedes are punctual, so be on time!
2. If you miss class, you usually have to make up for it with an extra assignment(Unless your in Swedish, than you just do what you missed)
3. You have to register for each class separately in the school - which is annoying, but gives you a chance to meet some of your professors and get to know the campus.
4. You have to register for exams and they are all anonymous which is so cool!
5. You can call all of your professors by their first name. I can't get used to this yet, but it's nice!

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